Thursday, April 29, 2010

What Jennifer Has to Say About Slim

“I absolutely LOVE Slim. I am going to buy my first bikini in 9 years this weekend. I am soo excited.”
– Jennifer Shelton

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Slim Is The Difference

Look Better, Feel Better, Live Better; that is our motto. Whatever the motivating factor, Slim is the difference and can help you get there.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Weekly Challenge - Yes, Your Bike

Look Better, Feel Better, Live Better…
We Dare You!

When was the last time you pulled out your bike? Think of one place each week you can ride your bike in place of driving. Help the environment and your figure at the same time. Post comments/pictures about your riding adventure.

Friday, April 23, 2010

What Bill Has to Say About Slim

It is an amazing product – it works! It is not a “magic bullet or instant fix. The user MUST engage and be part of the process. They way your clothes fit is what really matters NOT THE SCALE. I’m down a shirt size and almost 2 pant sizes – that is what I want!

Bill Johnston

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Possible Side Effects of Being Overweight

If any of the following cause puffing, grunting, wheezing, panting, or shortness of breath; Slim is for you:

o Tying your shoes
o Getting out of the car
o Crossing your legs
o Picking something up from the floor
o Going up a simple flight of stairs

Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekly Challenge - Power in Numbers

Live Better, Look Better, Feel Better… we dare you!

Dieting, weight loss, and developing a healthy lifestyle are tough battles to go alone. This week, reach out to a friend and pair up with them to create a challenge you both must complete. Post comments about your success and inspire others to do the same.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Life Changing

Get Slim Challenge Contestant John Phillipp is changing lives. See what he has to say:

“I will be donating a kidney to my fiancĂ© in May thanks to your product Bios Life Slim. Without the weight loss I would never have had this life changing/saving opportunity. Thanks again.”
– John Phillipp

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Does an upcoming life event have you stressed to get in shape?

According to a Cyberpulse survey, a class reunion provides adequate pressure to whip classmates into shape. Among women age 35-49, these social gatherings are even more stressful than meeting one’s future in-laws.

· Almost one-third (31%) would start getting ready for this night of inspection a half-year prior.
· 50% would begin a diet.
· 88% of the respondents would cough up $1,000 or “what ever it takes” to look their best.
· One in three women (33%) would blow off the festivities if they were unhappy with the way they looked.

Respondents were asked to define the true sign of success: riches, looks, or a handsome mate. Almost half (48%) said they’d choose to arrive at the party looking fabulous.

If you’re among these who want to look great for your next life event start now! Slim is the difference!

Slim Tip of the Week - Kick 100 From Dinner

Double Click to View Larger Image

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Identify the major stressors in your life and taking up the majority of your time.

Are they significant enough to trump a healthy lifestyle?

If not, prioritize and make some changes.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Slow Down

Meals should be enjoyed not shoveled in so quickly some items go down nearly whole. Give your digestive system a break and chew your food.

When we chow down food too fast our brain doesn’t have time to tell our stomach it is full.

Take time to relish each bite. Chew slowly and allow yourself time to enjoy the flavor, temperature, aroma, and texture.

Tips to help you slow down
-Set your fork down between each bite
-Sit at a table and turn your full attention to your food

-Shoot for at least 20 minutes of meal time
-Take a drink of water between each bite
-Count the number of chews (aim for 20)

What tips can you add to our list?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Are You Really Hungry?

Before eating, ask yourself if you’re really hungry.

If not, put down the food and find a distraction.

Tips to avoid eating in the absense of hunger:
· Drink a full glass of water
· Find an active distraction (a walk or household chore)
· Drink Bios Life Slim
· Wait 30 minutes and re-assess your hunger
· Read from your weight loss journal to remember your goals

Do you have any tips to add to our list?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Weekly Challenge - Pack a Lunch

Take a stroll down memory lane when your brown lunch sack was filled with triangle cut sandwiches and carrot sticks.

Now, make the memory a reality. Take the time to pack yourself a lunch every day.

You know much better than the fast food joint what your body needs to be productive. Chances are it’s not French fries and a ¼ pounder.

Enjoy a fresh approach to lunch… and with each bite watch your Get Slim Challenge cash prize get closer to your grasp!

For more information about Unicity’s Get Slim Challenge and how you could win up to $20,000 go to:

Friday, April 2, 2010

Stress and Weight Loss

Yes you can have too many hats (in the metaphorical sense of course).

When wearing all your hats at once it’s impossible to show each of them off in their finest glory.

We’re not saying you always have to be a uni-tasker; but it’s ok to simplify and just say ‘no’ once in a while. This simplification will help you reduce stress levels and give the proper focus to your weight loss journey.

Key points to help minimize stress:
Breathe – Close your eyes, count to ten, and breathe deeply
Pare down your to-do list – It hangs over your head like a black cloud.
Ask for help – Even Superman has Lois Lane
Exercise – Mood friendly endorphins keep you smiling
Meditate – Prioritize and focus on things that really matter

Do you have tips we didn’t list? Go ahead, share a few!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Little Goes A Long Way

10 everyday things you can do for that extra bit of exercise

Hold a wall sit while reading the morning paper
Bust out a few squats as you’re brushing your teeth
Walk around your office building while on a conference call
Hold the grocery bags at a ninety degree angle and feel the arm burn as you walk to your car
Repeat several calf raises each time you wash your hands
Swap your office chair for an exercise ball
Wax on, wax off! Shiny car and toned arms
For buns of steel simply repeat the classic gluteus squeeze as often as you think about it throughout the day
In through the nose, out through the mouth; deep breathing is good for the body and the mind
10· Bring on the housework! Adapt your mopping, vacuuming, window washing etc. to create a little more burn

Can you add to our list?