Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Benefits of Exercising!

Why Bother Exercising? Few of us are natural athletes. Most will never become NFL quarterbacks, Wimbledon tennis champions, or Olympic figure skaters. So, why bother with exercise? Why spend time running around, jumping around, and getting hot, sweaty, and bored? What's the payoff?

•Aerobic exercise does good things for your cardiovascular system and is an important part of weight management.

•Muscular conditioning can improve strength and posture, reduce the risk of lower back injury, and is also an important component of a weight management program.

•Flexibility exercise is needed to maintain joint range of motion and reduce the risk of injury and muscle soreness.

•Exercise also increases your sensitivity to insulin, reducing the risk of Diabetes 2.

•Stronger muscles increase your stability, which protects your joints and increases bone mineral density.

•Exercise increases stamina and endurance, builds stronger muscles, helps you maintain stability, and stretches your joints, muscles and ligaments.

All these benefits can make everyday life easier. A stronger body means less injury from falls, less joint pain, and a healthier body composition. Click here to read full article.

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